Tag Archives: Discount

197. £40.95

Today we have a discussion starter question for you, inspired by a trip to the shops.


My shopping cost £40.95 today. What is the smallest number of coins required to make this amount?
If I paid with two £20s and a £10 note, what is the most efficient change?
Why would someone pay £41.05, as opposed to £41?

I purchased 17 items, do you have enough information to calculate the mean?
The most expensive item was £10, the cheapest was 45p. What does this allow you to calculate?
Two luxury items cost £9 in total. If I hadn’t bought these, what would the mean have been? Does this effect the range?

When I paid I was given this voucher:


What would the shopping have cost somewhere else?
What would the mean cost per item be after this discount?
What percentage discount is this?

You could also use this as a discussion starter about the number skills you use when you go shopping.

146. Sales Fractions

A quick idea for you today:

What is the cheapest each item could have been?


Which of these is the odd one out?


Why is it the odd one out? What discount does it represent? What is this as a decimal or percentage?

Keep your tags the next time you go to the sales – you never know what questions you’ll find.