204. Revolution in Volume

Most elements of Core Maths can be visualised with a good diagram, but volume of revolution can be tricky if your technical drawing skills leave something to be desired. My colleague JA came up with a visualisation which is simple and elegant, yet also fun and memorable.

Step 1
Start with a curve. Introduce the limits a and b. Discuss what shape a thin strip would make: a disc.


Step 2
What would several discs make?
Now this is the cool bit:


This innocent looking shape is a pop up gift tag:


You can demonstrate what happens if the curve rotates 180 degrees around the x-axis.

Step 3
Now the really fun bit: dig out those interesting honeycomb christmas decorations, a metre stick and some tape:

The metre stick represents the scale on the x axis. The decoration represents the full 360 degree revolution about the axis.

Since these decorations are made from paper and card. You can use a sturdy craft knife to cut them into other curves. They also make great wall displays.

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